Automated Agent Installation
To simplify the initial Agent deployment, upload the Agent packages to the Avantra Server as described in Preparing the Avantra Agent Deployment.
You can also download the agent packages directly from our central download repository. Open and proceed to the section in question. Push the Direct Link button and copy the Download URL. You may use this value in the examples below, but keep in mind that the link is only valid for 12 hours. |
You can use tools like curl
or wget
(or even a browser) to download the agent packages over the very same network connection that will later be used by the Agent itself.
The standard installation as described in Installing the Avantra Agent involves logging into each server remotely and performing the installation. This manual method may not scale very well. There are other options to install Avantra Agent on Linux and on Windows remotely.
The procedure here describes the initial Agent deployment. For all subsequent updates, Avantra features an automatic Agent update, please see Upgrading Avantra Agents Automatically. |
Deploy Avantra Agents to Linux Remotely
You can deploy the Avantra Agent remotely to Linux servers using SSH, given you can remote access the server, the OS user you use is the same you run the Avantra Agent with, and this user can run passwordless sudo
You may use the following small script as a template or check for the latest version in our Bitbucket Repository.
#!/bin/sh -xe
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# Change the following variables according to your needs
# AVANTRA_HOST is the Avantra server's dns name or IP address
# AGENT_VERSION is the version of an Avantra Agent uploaded
# to the UI
# JAVA_INSTALL is the command to install Java 8. Adapt to
# your distro
# AGENT_USER is the OS user on the target system that runs
# the Avantra agent, is accessible by SSH, and
# can run sudo without a password.
# DISTDIR is the directory the agent is going to be
# installed to
# SERVICE_NAME is the name of the service in systemd
# Run as:
# ssh <AGENT_USER>@<TARGET> 'sh -s' <
# -----------------------------------------------------------
JAVA_INSTALL="yum install -y java-1.8.0-openjdk" # Red Hat, CentOS, Fedora
# JAVA_INSTALL="zypper install -y java-1_8_0-openjdk" # SUSE
## -- install java
## -- install agent --
sudo mkdir -p "$DISTDIR" \
&& sudo chown -R $AGENT_USER: "$DISTDIR" \
&& cd "$DISTDIR" \
&& sudo -u $AGENT_USER curl -s http://$AVANTRA_HOST:9050/AgentUpdate/agent-$AGENT_VERSION.bin -o agent-$AGENT_VERSION.bin \
&& sudo -u $AGENT_USER chmod 755 ./agent-$AGENT_VERSION.bin \
&& sudo -u $AGENT_USER ./agent-$AGENT_VERSION.bin -- --silent --start=no
## -- create service file for systemd --
sudo cat <<ENDSVCFILE | sudo tee "/etc/systemd/system/$SERVICE_NAME.service" > /dev/null
Description=Avantra Agent $AGENT_VERSION
ExecStart=$DISTDIR/agent/rc.agent start
ExecStop=$DISTDIR/agent/rc.agent stop
## -- allow $AGENT_USER to sudo systemctl --
sudo cat <<ENDSUDOERSFILE | sudo tee "/etc/sudoers.d/$AGENT_USER" > /dev/null
$AGENT_USER ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/systemctl start $SERVICE_NAME
$AGENT_USER ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/systemctl stop $SERVICE_NAME
$AGENT_USER ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/systemctl restart $SERVICE_NAME
sudo visudo -cf "/etc/sudoers.d/$AGENT_USER"
## -- enable service --
sudo systemctl enable "/etc/systemd/system/$SERVICE_NAME.service" \
&& sudo systemctl start $SERVICE_NAME
Adapt the following variables:
The DNS name or IP address of the Avantra Server
The version (e.g. 20.5.1) of the Avantra Agent you have uploaded to the Avantra Server.
The OS user to run the Avantra Agent with.
may be a good choice for servers hosting SAP application servers. Otherwise, choose an existing OS user. JAVA_INSTALL
The OS command to install the Java Runtime Environment 8 on your Linux host.
Afterwards, use the following command to install the Avantra Agent remotely:
ssh <AGENT_USER>@<TARGET> 'sh -s' <
Deploy Avantra Agents to Windows Remotely
You can deploy the Avantra Agent remotely to Windows servers using Powershell Remoting.
Powershell Remoting works easiest in an Active Directory environment. If you do not have setup Powershell Remoting already, the setup of Powershell Remoting may require more effort than you can potentially with the Agent deployment. Your mileage may vary. |
You need to set the Execution Policy on the computer you intend to run the script appropriately: Check if your security policies allow such a change. You probably want to consider the value RemoteSigned .
You may use the following small script as a template or check for the latest version in our Bitbucket Repository.
# - Upload the Avantra Agent installer as a package to the Agent Update rpository
# - Adapt these variable according to your needs
# - Modify the execution policy to allow running powershell scripts
[string]$user = '<DOMAIN\user>' # Access to the remote system
[string]$target = '<target-host>' # The remote system
[string]$avantrahost = '<avantra-server>' # The FQDN of the Avantra Sever
[string]$agentversion = '23.2.0' # The agent version (uploaded to the repository)
[string]$javapath = 'C:\Program Files\Java'
# Adapt this to the latest version: Make your choice on, get the full download link
[uri]$javaurl = ''
# There should be no need to change anything below this line
[uri]$agenturl = 'http://' + $avantrahost + ':9050/AgentUpdate/agent-' + $agentversion + '-setup.exe'
# Self-elevate the script if required
if (-Not ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal] [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole] 'Administrator')) {
if ([int](Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_OperatingSystem | Select-Object -ExpandProperty BuildNumber) -ge 6000) {
$CommandLine = "-File `"" + $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path + "`" " + $MyInvocation.UnboundArguments
Start-Process -FilePath PowerShell.exe -Verb Runas -ArgumentList $CommandLine
$session = New-PSSession -ComputerName $target -Credential $user
Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock {
param($javaurl, $agenturl, $javapath)
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
Invoke-WebRequest `
-Uri $javaurl `
-OutFile 'C:\Windows\Temp\java-installer.msi'
Invoke-WebRequest `
-Uri $agenturl `
-OutFile 'C:\Windows\Temp\agent-installer.exe'
msiexec /i C:\Windows\Temp\java-installer.msi /quiet `
ADDLOCAL="FeatureMain,FeatureEnvironment,FeatureJarFileRunWith,FeatureJavaHome,FeatureOracleJavaSoft" `
C:\Windows\Temp\agent-installer.exe /S /JAVA_PATH=`"$javapath`" /START_SERVICE=1 /PORT=9051 /D=C:\Program Files\avantra
} -ArgumentList $javaurl,$agenturl,$javapath
Remove-Item -path 'C:\Windows\Temp\java-installer.msi'
Remove-Item -path 'C:\Windows\Temp\agent-installer.exe'
Remove-PSSession $session
Adapt the following variables:
Use this (Domain) user to access the remote system
The name of the remote system
The DNS name or IP address of the Avantra Server
The version (e.g. 20.5.1) of the Avantra Agent you have uploaded to the Avantra Server.
The URL of the
of the Java Runtime Environment 8 you want to install. Go to AdoptOpenJDK Latest release, choose OpenJDK 8 (LTS) with the Hotpsot JVM. Select Windows for the operating system and x64 for the architecture. Right-click on the .msi button next to JRE in order to retrieve the direct link.
Finally run
PS> .\deploy-avantra-agent.ps1
in an elevated Powershell.
Agent Mass Deployments
There is an option to perform large-scale deployments using Ansible. We provide an example playbook for the remote deployment of Avantra Agents to Linux and Windows servers.
This is an example Ansible playbook demonstrating how to install Java and the Avantra Agent on Linux and Windows. The purpose is to illustrate the tasks all in one file. It is by no means a good way to design an Ansible playbook. |
Please adapt at least the variables master_host
and agent_version
. You may also check for the latest
version in our Bitbucket Repository.
# This is an example ansible playbook demonstrating how to install Java
# and the Avantra Agent on Linux and Windows. The purpose ist to illustrate
# the tasks all in one file. It is by no means a good way to design an
# ansible playbook.
- name: Install Java 8 JRE and Avantra Agent
hosts: all
# Adapt this value to your Avantra Server, if you have uploaded the agent
# packages. Or see the comments below how to use direct download links.
- avantra_host: your.avantra.server
# Adapt to the agent version
- agent_version: 23.2.0
- agent_dir: /opt/avantra
- agent_win_dir: ansible_env['ProgramFiles']\avantra
- agent_user: avantra
- create_user: true
- agent_service: avantra-agent
- name: Install Java 8 on SUSE
become: true
package: >
when: ansible_os_family == 'SUSE'
- name: Install Java 8 on RedHat
become: true
package: >
when: ansible_os_family == 'RedHat'
- name: Install AdoptOpenJdk Java 8 on Windows
when: ansible_os_family == 'Windows'
- name: Get AdoptOpenJDK release info
url: "\
return_content: true
follow_redirects: all
register: release_info
- name: Find installer url
release_url: >-
(release_info.content | from_json).binaries | map(attribute='installer_link') | list +
(release_info.content | from_json).binaries | map(attribute='installer_name') | list
- name: 'Download artifact {{ release_url[1] }}'
url: '{{ release_url[0] }}'
dest: '%TEMP%'
force: true
register: file_downloaded
retries: 20
delay: 5
until: file_downloaded is succeeded
- name: Install from remote
path: '{{ file_downloaded.dest }}'
state: present
- name: Create user and directory on Linux
when: ansible_system == 'Linux'
- name: Create User
become: true
when: create_user
name: "{{ agent_user }}"
state: present
- name: Create directory
become: true
path: "{{ agent_dir }}"
state: directory
owner: "{{ agent_user }}"
group: "{{ agent_user }}"
mode: 0755
- name: Download and Install Avantra Agent on Linux
when: ansible_system == 'Linux'
- name: Download Agent
# NOTE: You can also head to, generate a direct
# download link, and use it here. Keep in mind that these generated
# links expire after 12 hours.
url: http://{{ avantra_host }}:9050/AgentUpdate/agent-{{ agent_version }}.bin
dest: /tmp
mode: '0755'
- name: Install Agent
command: /tmp/agent-{{ agent_version }}.bin -- --silent --start=no
become: true
become_user: "{{ agent_user }}"
chdir: "{{ agent_dir }}"
- name: Create Systemd Service file
become: true
dest: /etc/systemd/system/{{ agent_service }}.service
content: |
Description=Avantra Agent
ExecStart={{ agent_dir }}/agent/rc.agent start
ExecStop={{ agent_dir }}/agent/rc.agent stop
User={{ agent_user }}
PIDFile={{ agent_dir }}/agent/log/
- name: Enable Agent service
become: true
daemon_reload: yes
name: "{{ agent_service }}"
enabled: yes
state: started
- name: Enable agent_user to run systemctl
become: true
dest: /etc/sudoers.d/{{ agent_user }}
content: |
{{ agent_user }} ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/systemctl start {{ agent_service }}
{{ agent_user }} ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/systemctl stop {{ agent_service }}
{{ agent_user }} ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/systemctl restart {{ agent_service }}
validate: 'visudo -cf %s'
- name: Install Avantra Agent on Windows
# NOTE: You can also head to, generate a direct
# download link, and use it here. Keep in mind that these generated
# links expire after 12 hours.
path: http://{{ avantra_host }}:9050/AgentUpdate/agent-{{ agent_version }}-setup.exe
creates_path: '{{ agent_win_dir }}'
- /S
- /PORT=9051
- /D={{ agent_win_dir }}
state: present
when: ansible_os_family == 'Windows'
Post-installation Setup
After you have deployed the Avantra Agents, please follow the steps described in section Preparing the Installation of the Product Guide.
There is nothing wrong if you do this after the agent deployment although the Product Guide says Preparing. |
The transport request mentioned there is already available at /opt/avantra/AgentUpdate
on the Avantra Server. It can be accessed in the same way (via http) as described in the Product Guide (and as described in the deployment steps above).
Please also consider steps 3 to 6 of Installing the Agent on Unix. Replace the OS user xandria referenced there with whatever you have chosen for AGENT_USER above.