Cloud Service - Custom Checks

Here you will find detailed information about Custom Checks for Cloud monitored objects.

Custom checks are chosen, adapted and deployed by you for one or more monitored objects and they are designed to allow quick and easy fulfilling of business monitoring requirements. Avantra custom checks are a mix of no-code, low-code and pro-code extensions to the Avantra AIOps platform. Each monitored object type has a number of custom check capabilities.

All custom checks within Avantra have a number of standard or common attributes. For more information please review our page on Custom Checks.


Run a script and evaluate SAP RFC functions, database queries, OS commands, or Cloud Services.


RUN_JS is a very powerful Custom Check type, which combines several different ways to retrieve data and evaluate the results using JavaScript. RUN_JS can easily access ready-to-use objects, for example, established RFC connections to SAP ABAP systems, established database connections, an OS object to run commands, or make HTTP requests to Cloud Services. This custom check type can be used to generate comprehensive check results, including sortable tables, that can even combine different sources of data retrieval.

run js concept

The RUN_JS custom check is a very powerful tool. Data retrieval by RFC, SQL, OS, or HTTP is executed using the permissions you have provided for the corresponding user. You can gain access to sensitive data if RFC, database, or OS user permissions are not restricted. Use this custom check at your own risk. Avantra shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages arising from the use of this custom check. Nor can we provide any support for designing data retrieval and writing evaluation scripts.

The RUN_JS custom check supports ECMAScript 2019 for Avantra Agents 20.11 and higher and ECMAScript 5.1 for older versions.

Starting with Avantra 20.11.5, this custom check type depends on the global Avantra server setting Security.EnableOSCodeExec.

The check evaluation logic is provided by a (usually small) JavaScript program. This script can access objects which are provided by the Avantra Agent, so the programmer can focus on the check logic and not worry about establishing connections, etc.

To script the evaluation logic, users of this check type need to be familiar with the built-in variables and API to use them, as described in section API Documentation below.

The RUN_JS custom check can be created for any monitored object type, however, certain built-in variables are only available in the context of the corresponding system type, i. e. an RFC connection to an ABAP system is only available in the context of SAP systems and SAP instances.

Apart from the examples provided in the API Documentation below, see also solution document RUN_JS Custom Check Examples, which contains ready-to-use examples for download.

ACHTUNG: Sie benötigen eine Java Virtual Machine 1.8.0_65 oder höher, um alle Funktionen dieses Checks nutzen zu können.


The JavaScript program providing the check data retrieval and evaluation logic. See section API Documentation.

Report Execution Time

If this option is enabled, the time to run the script is appended to the check result text. This might be useful to check if the performance of a script is good.

Execute Test Run

Starting with Avantra Version 21.11, you can run tests for newly created RUN_JS checks on the selected Agent directly from the Avantra WebUI. This feature does not require saving or activating the check, i.e. it can be tested before affecting the execution of the check on other systems.

To test your check code:

After modifying your script in the Script field, click the Execute test run button under the check name at the top of the dialogue box. Select one or multiple system to test the check on and click the Test button to run your script directly on those selected systems.

Although this is a testing tool, the script will execute on the systems in the same way it does in a real check execution. If the check has any side effects then these will also happen in test mode.

This feature can be disabled by the Security.RUNJSEnableTestExecution setting in your Avantra Server.