Aktualisierung von Avantra SAP-Transporten

Upgrading to the new Transport Requests

The version of transport required is linked to the Avantra Agent installed. Please check the Avantra transports document to ensure the correct version is installed to prevent errors occurring.

Please perform the following steps:

  1. Identify both transports that need to be used, see the description and release information in the ReadMe.txt file within the transports' .zip.

  2. Import both (corresponding to your release) transports (customizing and workbench) in the client where the RFC User XANDRIA_RFC or AVANTRA_RFC. You may select Ignore Invalid Component Version.

  3. If you have this user defined in another client, please also import the customizing (role) transport in this additional client.

  4. Be sure that the profile has been generated correctly and that it is the only one granted to this user, i.e. delete all other profiles and roles not specified here.