Enterprise Add-Ins

Avantra Enterprise Add ins are collections of automations, custom checks, sample code, dashboards and more allowing allow you to accelerate time to value on specific scenarios within your environment.

HINWEIS: Diese Funktion ist nur in der Avantra Enterprise Edition verfügbar und einige Aspekte sind auch in der Avantra Cloud Edition für RISE with SAP verfügbar. Weitere Informationen zu den Editionen finden Sie in der Avantra Editions Matrix.

Avantra Add ins are designed to showcase what is possible with the Avantra platform, provide out of the box best practices for common scenarios and to accelerate your own development of checks, dashboards and workflows to monitor and automate what matters most to your business. We encourage you to extend and customize our provided solutions to match your own needs.

Automation Add ins for SAP

SAP System Refresh

The Avantra system refresh automation template performs a full ABAP SAP system refresh (from the source system to the target system). Customers can influence which data should be preserved throughout this process. The automation includes configuration items to allow you to completely customize how the SAP System refresh is completed including definitions of logical table groups, how tables are exported and imported, which platforms are supported and further control information.

Database Backup / Restore

Avantra provides a series of automation templates intended for performing different types of SAP System database restore/recovery. This includes database restore with specific backup, point-in-time (PIT) recovery, both disk-based or backint-based, system copy scenario (can be used as a part of the system refresh procedure). The following databases scenarios are supported today:

  • HANA DB Restore

  • HANA DB Backup

  • Oracle DB Restore

  • Oracle DB Backup

  • ASE DB Restore

BDLS Logical System Change

The BDLS automation template provides steps to control the SAP BDLS process to change the logical system in an SAP system. This is used as part of the System Refresh automation template and can be performed as a standalone activity for different copy/refresh/rename scenarios.

Transport Import

The transport import automation template allows you to easily add new transport requests into an SAP system. This add in provides a workflow to copy a transport file bundle to a specified SAP system, add the transport(s) to the import buffer and import the transport(s) into the ABAP system.

SAP Job Maintenance

The SAP job maintenance automation template provides workflow steps for scheduling, deleting and checking the status of SAP Jobs (SM36, SM37 etc.) that can be used as a standalone workflow or as part of larger workflows to complete a business task.

SAP Profile Maintenance

The SAP profile maintenance automation template allow you to automatically update and set profile parameter values within your SAP Instances. It can be used stand alone or as part of a larger workflow e.g. to ensure security settings are consistent across your landscape.


The SPAM/SAINT patching automation template allows for rapid patching of SPAM or installation/patching of plugins like ST-PI or ST/A-PI across your SAP landscape. This is especially useful when preparing to update your SAP systems.

SAP Client Administration

The SAP Client Administration (SCC4) automation template provides steps to automatically update the client settings for a given client of a SAP system as normally performed via transaction SCC4 (Client Administration).

SAP Client Maintenance

This add in contains automations to create and delete a client. The automation to create a client will create a client (if it does not exist already in SCC4) and then perform a local client copy as usually performed via SCCL in the new client. Upon completion, the output from SCC3 is shown. The automation to delete a client will delete a client via submission of a batch job as per SCC5 (Delete Client) and output the log on completion (SCC3).

SAP System Change Option Global Setting Update

The SAP System Change Option (SCTS_RSWBO004 / SE03 / SE06) automation template provides steps to update only the Global Setting of the system change option transaction for a given SAP system as normally performed via transaction SCTS_RSWBO004 (System Change Option).

SAP System Messages

The SAP System Message (SM02) automation template provides steps to create SAP system messages as usually done via transaction SM02. It gives the option to set expiration and deletion dates and times.

SAP User Create

This template is used to create a SAP user on an ABAP based system including roles, passwords and more.

SAP User Update

This template is used to update a SAP user on an ABAP based system including roles, passwords and more.

SAP User Delete

This template is used to delete an SAP user on an ABAP based system.

SAP User - Roles Maintenance (CUA)

This template is used to maintain (add or delete) the roles a SAP user on an ABAP based system that is a Central CUA System. Because this is CUA this includes assignment of the Child Systems.

SAP User - Roles Maintenance (non-CUA)

This template is used to maintain (add or delete) the roles a SAP user on an ABAP based system that is non-CUA or in a CUA Child system where local role maintenance is allowed.

Collect and send response time from ST03N → Response Time Distribution

This is automation to collect, for all systems in the system selector, the response time for a given task type and month as taken from transaction ST03N → Response Time Distribution. All the collected data is summarised and sent via email with the option to write a CSV to the server.

Deactivate/activate instance for RFC server groups (RZ12)

This automation will deactivate or activate instances for RFC server groups on a given SAP system and client, as usually performed via transaction RZ12.

Lock/unlock Users

This template is used to lock or unlock SAP users on an ABAP based systems.

Certificate Import/Renewal

This automation template suite provides certificate management functionality for SAP ABAP and SAP Web Dispatcher systems.

For ABAP systems, there is/are:

  • an automation to renew a PSE Own certificate or import a new certificate into the PSE’s certificate list by manually selecting the new certificate from an Avantra file bundle

  • end-to-end automations where Avantra notifications are leveraged to automatically pass the certificate request via the certificate authority, and then the response is used to update the PSE Own certificate.

The same automation options exist for SAP Webdispatcher systems.

Automation Add ins for OS

Debian System Patching

The Debian System Patching Avantra Enterprise Add in facilitates the patching of Debian-based operating systems using the standard application "apt-get". This workflow is delivered and designed to be extended to match your organizational requirements.

SUSE / OpenSUSE System Patching

The SUSE/OpenSUSE patching Avantra Enterprise Add in facilitates the patching of SUSE and OpenSUSE operating systems using the standard application "zypper". This workflow is delivered and designed to be extended to match your organizational requirements.

Red Hat System Patching

The Red Hat patching Avantra Enterprise Add in facilitates the patching of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) operating systems using the standard application "yum". This workflow is delivered and designed to be extended to match your organizational requirements.

Check Add ins

Avantra on Avantra (AVA)

The "Avantra on Avantra" add in will allow you to Monitor & Manage your Avantra AIOps Platform from within Avantra, including DB, Security, and integration layers. It is designed to bring confidence that your Avantra platform is running smoothly and forewarn you of issues.

SUSE / OpenSUSE System Hardening Checks

The "SUSE Hardening" add in will allow you to compare your in-use OS settings within SUSE installations with recommendations from the published SUSE Hardening Guide. It is designed to highlight common hardening parameters that should be set within your SUSE install base and ensure rogue settings are identified and changed early.

Red Hat System Hardening Checks

The "Red Hat Hardening" add in will allow you to compare your in-use OS settings within Red Hat Enterprise Linux installations with recommendations from the published RHEL Hardening Guide. It is designed to highlight common hardening parameters that should be set within your RHEL install base and ensure rogue settings are identified and changed early.