Configure Monitoring

Adding, Modifying, and Deleting Monitoring Parameters

The majority of the Monitoring Parameters have carefully evaluated default values. Therefore, only need to define the Monitoring Parameters different from the default. Of course you can display the effective setting of the Monitoring Parameters in the user interface.

Procedure: Maintaining Monitoring Parameters
  1. Choose Systems  Servers, or Systems  SAP Instances, or Systems  SAP Systems, or Systems  Databases, or Systems  SAP Business Objects, or Systems  Cloud Services.

  2. Select the desired System and push the Open button. Either switch to the Moni. Params. tab or to the Checks tab, select the Check you want to configure and choose More  Configure Check.

    This works wherever a list of Checks is displayed.
  3. Choose one of the following options:

    Add a Monitoring Parameter
    1. Push the New button. Select the desired Monitoring Parameter from the list and press the OK button.

    2. Fill in the new Value and push the Apply button.

    Modify a Monitoring Parameter

    In order to modify an existing Monitoring Parameter you can simply change the value in the Value field and push the Apply button.

    You can modify as many parameters as present/as needed at the same time.
    Delete a Monitoring Parameter
    1. In order to delete a Monitoring Parameter click on the icon on the very right of the line.

    2. Confirm deletion using the Yes button.

    Show Monitoring Parameters

    Set the Show All Monitoring Parameters flag to see all available Monitoring Parameters together with their effective values for this particular System.

Changes in the Monitoring Parameter definition will be transferred to the corresponding Avantra Agent within a couple of seconds.

Adding, Modifying, and Deleting Monitoring Exception Parameters

Monitoring Exception Parameters can be used to override the Monitoring Parameters in certain situations:


The Monitoring Parameters configuring the FILESYSTEMS Check are valid for all file systems found on the Server.

Exceptions can be defined on a per file system level for: FSExCrit, FSExWarn, FSUsageCrit, and FSUsageWarn


The Monitoring Parameters configuring the ORA_TABLESPACES and DB2_TABLESPACES Checks are valid for all table spaces found for the SAP System or Database.

The BackupAgeCrit and BackupAgeWarn Monitoring Parameters configuring the ADA_BACKUP, DB2_BACKUP, MSS_DBBACKUP, and ORA_BACKUP/ORA_BRBACKUP Daily Checks are valid for every day of the week. Exceptions can be defined on a per-day level.

For a Server

  1. Choose Systems  Servers and select the desired System.

  2. Push the Open button.

    • Either switch to the Moni. Params. tab and choose the File System tab (on the left side).

    • Or switch to the Checks tab, select the FILESYSTEMS Check and choose More  Configure Check.

  3. Choose one of the options:

    Add a Monitoring Exception Parameter
    1. Push the New button, fill in a file system name in the pop-up and confirm with New.

    2. Fill in the appropriate values and push the Apply button in order to make your changes effective.

    Modify Monitoring Exception Parameters
    Delete Monitoring Exception Parameters
    1. To delete a Monitoring Parameter click on the icon on the very right of the line.

    2. Confirm deletion using the Yes button.

If a volume (or partition) is mounted as a drive (with a drive letter), you must specify the drive letter including the trailing backslash (\) as file system. If a volume is not mounted as a drive, enter the full path of the mount point without a trailing backslash.

For a Database instance of an SAP System or a stand-alone Database

Procedure: Maintain Monitoring Exception Parameters for a Database
  1. Select the appropriate System:

    SAP System
    • Choose Systems  SAP Systems and select the desired System.

    Stand-alone Database
    • Choose Systems  Databases and select the desired System.

  2. Push the Open button and switch to the Moni. Params. tab.

  3. Choose one of the following options:

    For table space exceptions
    • Select the Table Space tab (on the left side).

    For backup age exceptions
    • Select the Backup Age tab (on the left side).

  4. Choose one of the options:

    Add a Monitoring Exception Parameter
    1. Push the New button, fill in a table space name in the pop-up, select a week day and confirm with the OK button.

    2. Fill in the appropriate values and push the Apply button to make your changes effective.

    Modify Monitoring Exception Parameters
    Delete Monitoring Exception Parameters
    1. To delete a Monitoring Parameter, click on the icon on the very right of the line.

    2. Confirm deletion using the Yes button.

Maintaining Parameter Sets

Defining Parameter Sets

The definition of a Parameter Set is performed in several steps:

In order to define a Parameter Set, proceed as follows:

  1. Select Configuration  Parameter Sets from the top-level menu. Push the New button.

  2. Fill in a Name, select a System Type and push the New button in the pop-up window.

  3. Switch to the Properties tab of the newly created record.

  4. If you want to allow that the Monitoring Parameters assigned to this set can be overridden on a per-System level, check the box Allow Parameter Substitution per System.

  5. Choose the Systems the Parameter Set is applied to:

    1. You can either select an existing System Selectors (see Systems).

    2. You can define a specific ad-hoc custom selection (which is only valid for this particular Parameter Set). In this case, set the flag next to Define specific 'Ad-Hoc' Custom Selection and push the Create button. Fill in selection criteria, push the Test System Selector button to verify the Systems, and hit the Save & Close button.

  6. In section Active Time Period, choose whether the Parameter Set is valid Always, during specific Service Hours, or during Schedules. If you choose Service Hours, click on the , select a Service Hours record from the list and push the OK button. (See also Defining Service Hours).

    If you choose Schedules, perform the following steps:

    1. Push the New button.

    2. Fill in a Name and select a Timezone value.

    3. Perform one of the following

      For a non-recurrent Schedule

      Choose the Non-recurrent tab and fill in the Start date and either an End date or a Duration.

      For a recurrent Schedule

      Choose the Non-recurrent tab and fill in the Start date and either an End date or a Duration.

      Select a Range Start and optionally a Range End.

      Choose one of the following recurring options:


      is effective every day or every nth day.


      is effective for selected days of every nth week.

      Monthly Day

      is effective for a single day of every nth month, where the day of the month is given as number from 1 to 31. For values 29-31 the recurrence will fall on the last day of the month if the month has only 28, 29 or 30 days.

      Monthly Weekday

      is effective for a single weekday of a single week of every nth month, where the weekday may be chosen from Sunday to Saturday and the week is specified as either 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th or last week of the month.

      Yearly Day

      is effective for a single day of a single month of every year.

      Yearly Weekday

      is similar to Monthly Weekday, except that it is only effective for the chosen month.

    4. Push the OK button.

    5. Add further Schedules if desired.

  7. Push the Apply button.

To assign Monitoring Parameters to the recently created set, proceed as follows:

  1. Switch to the Parameters tab and choose Monitoring from the left hand side.

  2. Add, modify, or delete Monitoring Parameters or Monitoring Exception Parameters in the same way as described in Step 3 of Procedure: Maintain Monitoring Exception Parameters For A Server or Step 4 of Procedure: Maintain Monitoring Exception Parameters for a Database.

  3. Push the Apply button.

The Parameter Set is not yet active. To activate it, switch back to the Properties tab, set the Active flag, and hit the Apply button again.

Listing all Parameters Sets

Listing all defined Parameter Sets is simple: select Configuration  Parameter Sets from the top-level menu.

By default Parameter Sets for all System Types are displayed, but you can restrict the list to a certain System Type using the drop-down list next to the icon.

Set the Expand Parameters flag in order to have all Monitoring Parameters defined in the Parameter Set in the list view.

You can click on the to display all Monitoring Parameters together with the values of a particular Parameter Set.

There are five tabs displayed, one for each System Type, and one labeled View All System Types containing all defined Parameter Sets.

The Parameter Sets are always sorted by priority with the highest priority on top.

Empty Parameter Set, i.e. the ones not containing any Monitoring Parameters, are displayed with a symbol in the Active column.

Changing the Priority of Parameters Sets

Select Configuration  Parameter Sets from the top-level menu.

To change the priority of Parameter Sets use the icons.

As a rule of thumb, you should assign a low priority to Parameter Sets affecting all Servers (SAP Instances, SAP Systems, Databases) and those Parameter Sets being active all the time. Otherwise other Parameter Sets may not be effective at all.

Showing Monitoring Parameter Usage

  1. Select Configuration  Parameter Sets from the top-level menu.

  2. To see the values of a particular Monitoring Parameter on all Systems, push the Parameter Usage button.

  3. Select the System Type and choose one or more Monitoring Parameters and move them to the right frame using the (and ) icons.

  4. Push the Show Usage button.

In the result list you have the option to change the sorting, and to restrict the list to those Monitoring Parameters modified on a per-System level.

Overriding Parameter Set on a per-System level

You can override Monitoring Parameters defined in a Parameter Sets on a per-System level if and only if the set is defined with the Allow Parameter Substitution per System box checked.

Perform the following steps to allow parameter substitution for a Parameter Set:

  1. Select Configuration  Parameter Sets from the top-level menu. Choose the desired Parameter Set and push the Open button.

  2. Set the flag next to Allow Parameter Substitution per System.

  3. Push the Apply button to finish.

In order to modify or substitute a Monitoring Parameter inherited from a Parameter Set on a System level, perform the following steps:

  1. Select the appropriate System. Choose Systems  Servers, or Systems  SAP Instances, or Systems  SAP Systems, or Systems  Databases, or Systems  SAP Business Objects, or Systems  Cloud Services.

  2. Push the Open button and switch to the Moni. Params. tab.

  3. Proceed to the Monitoring Parameter supposed to change and click on the next to the Value field. Confirm the warning message with OK.

  4. Change the Value and push the Apply button.

You cannot delete a Monitoring Parameter inherited from a Parameter Set on System level. You have to set the value of this Monitoring Parameter back to its default instead!

Deactivating Parameters Sets

In some cases it can be helpful to deactivate Parameter Sets.

  1. Select Configuration  Parameter Sets from the top-level menu. Choose the desired Parameter Set from the list and push the Open button.

  2. Clear the Active flag and push the Apply button.

Export and Import of Parameters Sets

Parameter Sets can be exported form a source Avantra installation and imported on a target Avantra installation. You can also use export and import to create backups for your Parameter Sets.

System selectors associated to a Parameter Set are only preserved when a system selector with the same name exists on the target Avantra installation. If no system selector with the same name can be found, the imported Parameter Set has an empty system selector. Same applies to Service Hours. Service Hours are only preserved when a Service Hour with the same name exists on the target system.

Export Parameters Sets

  1. Select the the Parameter Sets you want to export. You can select more than one Parameter Set.

  2. Choose More  Export Parameter Sets.

  3. A zip file containing the exported Parameter Sets is downloaded to your download folder.

Import Parameters Sets

  1. Login on your Avantra installation where you want to import the exported Parameter Sets.

  2. In Parameter Sets, choose More  Import Parameter Sets.

  3. Upload a previously exported parameter sets.

  4. Click Next.

  5. Select the parameter sets you want to import.

  6. Click Next.

  7. If a parameter set with the same name exists already, a new name is proposed. You can change the proposed name.

  8. Click Next.

  9. Click Import to confirm and execute the import.

Predefined Parameters Sets

If Avantra is installed the very first time on a new system, some predefined Parameter Sets are automatically created. The predefined Parameter Sets define typical settings for typical scenarios.

The name of the predefined parameter sets starts with TEMPLATE.

Those predefined Parameter Sets can be used as an example for your own Parameter Sets. You can copy, and or modify them to your needs. If you delete a predefined Parameter Set, Avantra does not recreate it again. The predefined Parameter Sets are not active after a fresh installation. You have to manually set them to active.

Table 1. List of predefined parameter sets

Parameter Set name


TEMPLATE - Databases [General]

Template parameter set for databases in general.

TEMPLATE - Databases [Non-production]

Template parameter set specifically for non-production databases.

TEMPLATE - Databases [Standalone]

Template parameter set specifically for non SAP Tenant databases e.g. SYSTEMDB.

TEMPLATE - SAP Instances [General]

Template parameter set specifically for SAP Instances in general (ABAP & Java).

TEMPLATE - SAP Instances [Overnight]

Template parameter set specifically for SAP Instances during non-working hours to help to reduce the amount of false positive alerts.


Template parameter set specifically for SAP Systems on HANA. It also exclude some indexes and recurrent data_backup_parameter_file.

TEMPLATE - SAP Systems [General]

Template parameter set for all SAP Systems in General.


Template parameter set specifically for production SAP systems.


Template parameter set specifically for QA/Quality SAP Systems

TEMPLATE - SAP Systems [Sandbox]

Template parameter set specifically for Sandbox SAP Systems

TEMPLATE - Servers - Unix

Template parameter set specifically for a Unix/Linux OS.

TEMPLATE - Servers - Windows

Template parameter set specifically servers with a Microsoft OS.

TEMPLATE - Servers [General]

Template parameter set for servers in general.

Disabling and Enabling Checks

In some situations you might want to disable a particular Check, for example you may want to disable backup checks if a SAP System is not backed up at all.

You can do this either in a Parameter Set (as described in Defining Parameter Sets) or on a per-System level (as described in Adding, Modifying, and Deleting Monitoring Parameters).

Using scheduled Parameter Set allows you to run certain Checks at certain periods of time only.

Given the hierarchy of Monitoring Parameters and the option to override settings on System level, the effective setting will be computed like this:

By default, every Check is enabled by default. Assume you define a Parameter Set that disables Check A, and you define a second Parameter Set with a higher priority, that disables Check B but does not touch Check A. After processing both Parameter Sets Checks A and B are disabled.

Now assume you want to enable Check A again, but only for certain periods of time. In this case you can create a Parameter Set with an even higher priority, but in this case you have to explicitly enable Check A again.

That means, there is a difference between not disabling a Check and to explicitly enabling a Check. In the first case, any lower priority setting remains, in the second case it will be overridden.

Procedure: Disable Checks per System
  1. Select the appropriate System. Choose Systems  Servers, or Systems  SAP Instances, or Systems  SAP Systems, or Systems  Databases, or Systems  SAP Business Objects, or Systems  Cloud Services.

  2. Push the Open button and switch to the Moni. Params. tab.

  3. Select the Check Execution tab on the left hand side.

  4. Push the Add button. Select the Check in question, either Select directly from the drop-down list, or Describe by choosing the Check category first to restrict the available Check names.

  5. Set the Execution to Disabled in order to disable the Check for this System or set it to Enabled in order to re-enable a Check that has been disabled by a Parameter Set.

  6. Push the Create button to finish.

Procedure: Disable Checks per Parameter Set
  1. Follow the description in Parameter Set.

  2. In the Parameters tab, choose Check Execution from the left hand side.

  3. Push the Add button. Select the Check in question, either Select directly from the drop-down list, or Describe by choosing the Check category first to restrict the available Check names.

  4. Set the Execution to Disabled in order to disable the Check for this System or set it to Enabled in order to re-enable a Check that has been disabled by a Parameter Set with a lower priority.

  5. Push the Apply button to finish.

Turning Monitoring On or Off

If you intentionally want a System not to be monitored at all, you can turn monitoring off. The System will be removed from RealTime Monitoring views, and there will be no Daily Checks performed while monitoring is off. The Avantra Agent still proceeds with availability tracking and some other tasks, though.

There are basically three ways to turn monitoring on or off, and one case where this is performed automatically:

Basically, if you turn the monitoring on or off for a Physical Server, Virtual Cluster Server, SAP Instance or stand-alone SAP System only this particular System is affected. If you turn monitoring on or off for a SAP System, then the SAP System itself and all SAP Instances comprising the SAP System are affected.

However, in some cases you may want to behave this in a more "natural" way, like if you turn monitoring off for a {server} the monitoring of all hosted SAP Instances is turned off as well. This kind of _cascading is also available:

  • In Avantra UI there is a dialog whenever you turn monitoring on or off that allows you to define which of the depending System's monitoring shall be turned on or off as well.

  • The Avantra Agent provides a command line option -cascade to turn cascading on.

  • For a Maintenance Window cascading is always turned on!

You can see the effect of monitoring switch cascading in the following table:

Table 2. Monitoring on/off Effects
System Type Monitoring Switch Cascade Effect




Turns monitoring off for the Server and all monitored SAP Instances and Databases. If there is no other SAP Instance monitored for an affected SAP System, the SAP System monitoring is turned off as well


Turns monitoring off for the Server only



Turns monitoring on for the Server and all monitored SAP Instances and Databases (and, if necessary, for the monitored SAP Systems)


Turns monitoring on for the Server only

SAP Instance



If this is the last SAP Instance of a SAP System with monitoring on, turns SAP Instance and SAP System monitoring off. Otherwise turns only SAP Instance off


Turns monitoring off for the SAP Instance only



Turns SAP Instance (and SAP System, if required) monitoring on

SAP System



Turns monitoring off for the SAP System and all SAP Instances


Turns monitoring on for the SAP System and all SAP Instances

Stand-alone Database



Turns monitoring off for the stand-alone Database


Turns monitoring on for the stand-alone Database

There is no relation between the monitoring switches of a Physical Server and any configured Virtual Cluster Server.

Turning Monitoring On or Off ad-hoc using the UI

To change the monitoring switch, perform the following steps:

  1. Select the appropriate System. Choose Systems  SAP Instances, or Systems  SAP Systems, or Systems  Databases, or Systems  SAP Business Objects, or Systems  Cloud Services.

    You can select multiple Systems at the same time.
  2. Push the Monitoring Switch button.

  3. In the pop-up window, choose whether to Cascade including dependent Systems, Dependent Systems only, or the selected Systems only. The list box automatically shows the affected systems.

  4. Choose one of the options: Monitoring on, Monitoring off (with time limit), Monitoring off without time limit. In case you choose Monitoring off (with time limit), fill in a date as well. You may define a Reason in the corresponding field.

  5. Push the OK button.

Turning Monitoring On or Off ad-hoc using the Avantra Agent

There is also the option to turn monitoring on or off by the Avantra Agent directly. You can turn monitoring on or off for:

The main purpose of this function is to allow monitoring being turned on or off from within startup scripts or cluster switching scripts. Use the following syntax:

monoff -on|-off <type>=<comp> [-cascade]

The following options are available for the -on and -off command line switch:

  • -on|-off Server=<server_name> [-cascade] turns on or off monitoring of the Server <server_name>, where <server_name> may either be the host name of a physical server (as returned by the hostname OS command) or the Virtual Cluster Server Name as defined in Avantra UI.

  • -on|off SapInstance=[<host_name>:]<instance_name> [-cascade] turns on or off monitoring for the named SAP Instance. If the <instance_name> is not unique, add the <host_name> to uniquely identify the SAP Instance in question.

  • -on|-off SapSystem=<real_sap_sid> turns on or off monitoring of the named SAP System and all SAP Instances comprising the SAP System.

  • -on|-off Database=<db_unified_name> turns on or off monitoring of the named Database.

For a description of the effect of -cascade see Monitoring on/off Effects.

The Avantra Agent needs a connection to the Avantra Master in order to process the -on|-off command line switch. The Avantra Master evaluates all the dependencies stated in Monitoring on/off Effects and modifies the monitoring switches of all affected System accordingly. Finally the Avantra Master deploys the new configuration settings back to all affected System.

Depending on the value of the TraceLevel Monitoring Parameter you may see log messages on stdout. If the Avantra Agent was able to contact Avantra Master properly in order to tell it the new monitoring configuration, it will exit with state 0, otherwise it will exit with a value different from 0.

Turning Monitoring On or Off using a Maintenance Window

Apart from turning monitoring on or off, Maintenance Windows can also be used to disable Notifications and to stop and start Systems. See also Disabling Notifications and Starting and Stopping Systems using Maintenance Windows.

Perform the following steps in order to create a new Maintenance Window:

Please bare in mind the cascading of monitoring on or off for Maintenance Windows as described in Monitoring on/off Effects.
Procedure: Defining a Maintenance Window
  1. Select Configuration  Maintenance Windows from the top-level menu and push the New button.

  2. Fill in a Name, choose whether the Maintenance Window should be Active, and select a System Type.

    Applying a Maintenance Window to a Business Service has the same effect as setting the Business Service inactive for the given period of time.
  3. Choose a Customer, if desired. In case you selected one, only Systems of this Customer (and its descendants, if a Customer hierarchy is used) are considered. Also, a User needs to have the Permission View Maintenance Window / Edit Maintenance Window for the named Customer in order to view or modify the Maintenance Window.

    If you leave this field empty, Systems of all Customers are considered, but one needs the Permission View Maintenance Window / Edit Maintenance Window for all Customers in order to view or modify the Maintenance Window.

  4. If you only want Notifications to be turned off during the Maintenance Window but keep monitoring turned on, choose leave monitoring ON for During maintenance.

  5. Push the Next button.

  6. Choose the Systems the Maintenance Window is applied to:

    • You can select existing System Selectors (also see Systems).

    • You can define a specific ad-hoc custom selection (which is only valid for this particular Parameter Set Maintenance Window. In this case set the flag next to Define specific 'Ad-Hoc' Custom Selection and push the Create button. Fill in selection criteria, push the Test System Selector to verify the Systems, and hit the Save & Close button.

  7. Push the Next button.

  8. Add a Schedule(s) for the Maintenance Window:

    1. Push the New button.

    2. Fill in a Name and select a Timezone value.

    3. Choose one of the following options:

      For a non-recurrent Schedule

      Choose the Non-recurrent tab and fill in the Start date and either an End date or a Duration.

      For a recurrent Schedule

      Choose the Non-recurrent tab and fill in the Start date and either an End date or a Duration.

      Select a Range Start and optionally a Range End.

      Choose one of the following recurring options:


      is effective every day or every nth day.


      is effective for selected days of every nth week.

      Monthly Day

      is effective for a single day of every nth month, where the day of the month is given as number from 1 to 31. For values 29-31 the recurrence will fall on the last day of the month if the month has only 28, 29 or 30 days.

      Monthly Weekday

      is effective for a single weekday of a single week of every nth month, where the weekday may be chosen from Sunday to Saturday and the week is specified as either 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th or last week of the month.

      Yearly Day

      is effective for a single day of a single month of every year.

      Yearly Weekday

      is similar to Monthly Weekday, except that it is only effective for the chosen month.

    4. Push the OK button.

    5. Add further Schedules if desired.

  9. Push the Create button.

In availability Tracking Downtimes eventually detected during the Schedules of Maintenance Windows are considered “planned”. In availability data these records are marked with the Wrench symbol.

Defining a System Selector

To create a new System Selectors perform the following steps:

  1. Select Systems  System Selectors from the top-level menu and push the New button.

  2. Fill in a Name and choose the System Type.

  3. Choose a Customer , if desired. In case you select one, only Systems of this Customer (an its descendants, in case a Customer hierarchy is used) are considered. Also, a User needs to have the Permission View Systems / Edit Systems for the named Customer in order to use or modify the System Selectors.

    If you leave this field empty, Systems of all Customers can be selected, but one needs the Permission View Systems / Edit Systems for all Customers in order to use or modify the System Selectors.

  4. Push the New button in the pop-up window.

  5. Fill in a Description, if desired.

  6. If you want the selection to contain all Systems (or all Systems of a given Customer and its descendants), push the Save & Close button.

    Otherwise, set the flag next to Criteria. You can choose several criteria for the selected System Type and select appropriate values for each of the criteria.

    Criteria can be either defined as must match, or as must NOT match. The latter ones are used to exclude Systems from the selection.

  7. You can also add selection criteria for other System Types, for example, you can select Servers hosting a SAP Instance which has to fulfill certain criteria itself, or a Database, etc.

  8. Push the Test System Selector button to verify the selection criteria. If you are satisfied with the result, press the Save & Close button.

Defining a Check Selector

A Check Selector can be used to define a group of Checks for use in RealTime Monitoring, Notifications, and Business Services.

Creating a Check Selector

To create a new Check Selector, perform the following steps:

  1. Select Monitoring  More  Check Selectors from the top-level menu and push the New button.

  2. Select the type of the Check Selector. Select either RTM Checks, Daily Checks, or RTM Checks and Daily Checks. The type cannot be modified after a Check Selector is created.

  3. Define a Name for the new Check Selector.

  4. Define an optional Customer. If a Customer is defined, only Checks executed for Systems of this Customer are selected. If no Customer is defined, all Checks of all Systems are selected. The Customer attribute is also used to verify User Permissions. Only Users who have access to the named Customer can see this Check Selector.

  5. Click New to continue.

  6. A new dialog is opened. You can define an optional Description.

  7. Verify the search criteria for the Checks. You may select one or more from the available attributes and define corresponding values.

  8. You can verify the current selection by pushing the Test button.

  9. Set the Define monitored systems checkbox in order to restrict the Checks to a set of Monitored Systems. You may want to verify the current selection by pushing the Test button again.

  10. Click Save & Close button to save the Check Selector.

Modifying Check Selectors

Select Monitoring  More  Check Selectors from the top-level menu to see the available Check Selectors. Click Open to view or edit a Check Selector. Click on the green arrow to display the selected Check in a new tab. The tab showing the Check returned from the Check Selector may be used as a Avantra UI Favorite.

Any modification to the underlying Check Selector of a Favorite will affect the values displayed by this Favorite.

Defining Service Hours

By default there is a built-in 7 x 24 hours Service Hours record shipped with Avantra that can neither be modified nor deleted.

In order to define new Service Hours proceed as follows:

  1. Select Configuration  Service Hours from the top-level menu and push the New button.

  2. Fill in a Name and push the New button on the pop-up.

  3. You may fill in an optional Description.

  4. Push the Create Time Range button, fill in Start Time and End Time, and select the appropriate days of the week. Add further Time Ranges if desired.

  5. Hit the Apply button.