SAP BTP Subaccount - Built-in Checks
Here you will find detailed information about Built-in checks for SAP BTP Subaccount monitored objects.
Built-in checks are deployed automatically for a monitored object type. Once Avantra has detected a specific monitored object, each of the relevant built-in checks will be auto-deployed to the agent to begin check execution and status reporting. Built-in checks can be configured using Monitoring Parameters (e.g. to set threshold values) and can also be disabled if they are not relevant to your landscape.
This checks will only be available if Cloud Foundry is available, and authorization is there. See SAP BTP Subaccount for information on how to ensure Cloud Foundry is available.
This check monitors the SAP BTP Destination Certificates, and returns Warning and Critical check statuses when certificates are due to expire withing a defined amount of days. The check will also ignore expired certificates, if they have been expired for longer than a defined number of days.
Managed Object |
SAP BTP Subaccount |
Check Cycle |
Daily |
Depends on |
N/A |
Monitoring Parameters |
: BTPDestCertsWarn, BTPDestCertsCrit, BTPDestCertsIgnoreExpiredCerts |
This check monitors the validity and expiry of the SAML2 Metadata Certificates used for the BTP Subaccount Destination Trust, and returns Warning and Critical check statuses when certificates are due to expire withing a defined amount of days. The check will also ignore expired certificates, if they have been expired for longer than a defined number of days.
This check returns the current number of application process instances against the organization total instances quota, by listing all applications and the number of running instances. A Warning status can be returned if a stopped application would be prevented from starting a quota using CloudFoundryWarnIfAnyStoppedAppWouldExceedQuota.
SpaceQuotasAppProcessInstancesMaxInstancesUsedPercentWarn and SpaceQuotasAppProcessInstancesMaxInstancesUsedPercentCrit monitoring parameters can be used to set Warning and Critical thresholds if process instances running in apps is above a set percentage of the quota.
This check returns the current usage of organization memory quota, by listing all applications and the current memory allocation. A Warning status can be returned if a stopped application would be prevented from starting a quota using CloudFoundryWarnIfAnyStoppedAppWouldExceedQuota.
OrgQuotaMemoryMaxMemoryQuotaUsedPercentWarn and OrgQuotaMemoryMaxMemoryQuotaUsedPercentCrit monitoring parameters can be used to set Warning and Critical thresholds if total memory allocated to apps is above a set percentage of the quota.
This check monitors the number of routes compared with the quota for total number of routes. Warning and Critical check statuses can be defined for when the percentage of routes is higher than defined thresholds.
Managed Object |
SAP BTP Subaccount |
Check Cycle | |
Depends on |
N/A |
Monitoring Parameters |
: OrgQuotaRoutesMaxRoutesUsedPercentCrit, OrgQuotaRoutesMaxRoutesUsedPercentWarn |
This check monitors the number of service instances running compared to the quota for total quota services. Additionally, it reports if usage of paid services is enabled in the quota.
Managed Object |
SAP BTP Subaccount |
Check Cycle |
BTPSpaceQuotasAppProcessInstances |
Depends on |
N/A |
Monitoring Parameters |
: OrgQuotaServiceInstancesMaxServiceInstancesUsedPercentWarn, OrgQuotaServiceInstancesMaxServiceInstancesUsedPercentCrit |
Application Security Groups permit egress traffic from Cloud Foundry applications in the style of a firewall. This check checks if the Application Security Groups set in each space for running and staging are allowing, or not allowing, a selection of best practice network security rules. The defaults are to ensure access to at least some DNS sever, SAP’s connectivity service and AWS load balancers, whilst ensuring access to the IaaS metadata IPs are not allowed. The check can be configured in monitoring parameters to ignore validations that are not considered relevant, and there is also a custom check named BTP_SECURITY_GROUPS to validate any custom connection requirements.
This check monitors the number of routes compared against the total number of routes in each space. Warning and Critical check statuses can be defined for when the percentage of routes is higher than defined thresholds.
Managed Object |
SAP BTP Subaccount |
Check Cycle | |
Depends on |
N/A |
Monitoring Parameters |
: SpaceQuotasRoutesMaxRoutesUsedPercentCrit, SpaceQuotasRoutesMaxRoutesUsedPercentWarn |
This check monitors the current usage of space memory quota by listing all spaces, their applications and their current memory allocation. A Warning status can be returned if a stopped application would be prevented from starting a quota using CloudFoundryWarnIfAnyStoppedAppWouldExceedQuota.
SpaceQuotasMemMaxMemoryQuotaUsedPercentWarn and SpaceQuotasMemMaxMemoryQuotaUsedPercentCrit monitoring parameters can be used to set Warning and Critical thresholds if the total memory allocated to apps is above a set percentage of the quota.
This check monitors the number of service instances running in each space compared with the space quota for total quota services by listing all of the spaces. Additionally, it reports if usage of paid services is enabled in the quota.
Managed Object |
SAP BTP Subaccount |
Check Cycle | |
Depends on |
N/A |
Monitoring Parameters |
: SpaceQuotasServiceInstancesMaxServiceInstancesUsedPercentWarn, SpaceQuotasServiceInstancesMaxServiceInstancesUsedPercentCrit |
This check counts the number of users with the role Organization Manager and provides Warning and Critical statuses if the number of users is greater than defined thresholds. Additionally, the check can warn if a user with this critical authorization has been modified since the last run of the check.
Managed Object |
SAP BTP Subaccount |
Check Cycle |
Daily |
Depends on |
N/A |
Monitoring Parameters |
: UsersWithCritOrgAuthWarnIfOrgManagerAssignmentModified, UsersWithCritOrgAuthMaxOrgManagerUsersCrit, UsersWithCritOrgAuthMaxOrgManagerUsersWarn |