SAP BTP Global Account - Monitoring Parameters
Here you will find detailed information about monitoring parameters for SAP BTP Global Account monitored objects.
Monitoring parameters are the mechanism for you to configure how your systems are monitored. They are how you set configuration of how the agent runs, how checks are executed, thresholds for checks (when does a check go critical or warning) and much more. All Monitoring Parameters have a carefully chosen default value. As soon as you add a new system, Avantra uses these defaults. You may change these defaults by defining a parameter and by modifying its values. Monitoring Parameters can be defined for a single system, or for collections of systems using Monitoring Parameter Sets. You can also define your own Custom Monitoring Parameters for use within Custom Checks and automations.
Works in conjunction with BTPSmoothingWindowDays.
BTPGlobalAccountCost calculates the accumulated costs, starting from the current day minus the number of days defined in BTPSmoothingWindowDays until the current day. This is, the accumulated costs of the last BTPSmoothingWindowDays is calculated. Then, BTPGlobalAccountCost calculates the average daily costs based on the accumulated costs and the number of days (average daily costs
= accumulated costs over last N days
/ number of days
). If the average daily costs is more than the value set, BTPGlobalAccountCost is set to Critical.
Configures | |
Default Value |
0.00 |
Unit |
Integer |
Works in conjunction with BTPSmoothingWindowDays.
BTPGlobalAccountCost calculates the accumulated costs, starting from the current day minus the number of days defined in BTPSmoothingWindowDays until the current day. This is, the accumulated costs of the last BTPSmoothingWindowDays is calculated. Then, BTPGlobalAccountCost calculates the average daily costs based on the accumulated costs and the number of days (average daily costs
= accumulated costs over last N days
/ number of days
). If the average daily costs is more than the value set, but less than the BTPDailyBudgetCrit value, BTPGlobalAccountCost is set to Warning.
Configures | |
Default Value |
0.00 |
Unit |
Integer |
This monitoring parameter defines the number of days that is used to calculate the average costs per day. If every single day in the month is expected to have costs less than BTPDailyBudgetWarn and BTPDailyBudgetCrit, set this parameter to 1.
In case Avantra is not able to collect costs for all days defined in BTPSmoothingWindowDays, Avantra uses what is available and calculates costs based on available data. |
Configures | |
Default Value |
7 |
Unit |
Days |